Vince McMahon A****** Shirt

Vince McMahon asshole

Vince McMahon devil shirt

Many things have been said about Vince McMahon over the decades and most of them are right. You just don’t often see them printed on a shirt sold on WWE’s shop.

It was probably not the best idea to have this shirt come out not too long before McMahon had to step down from the company. But, like most things in wrestling, nothing really matters, and McMahon came back a few months later to eventually sell WWE to Endeavor.

As far as the shirt itself goes, it’s loud, dumb, blunt, and crude. So, truth in advertising, I guess? It is strangely funny to see the WWE logo proudly displayed on the sleeve, lest you think this some sort of fan protest. Nope, just another way to squeeze more money out of fans.

I’m really not sure who would wear this shirt. Probably the same people that bowed to Vince McMahon when he would strut to the ring. This one’s for you.

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