Bigfoot, also known as a Sasquatch (or Squatchy to his friends), is a large hairy beast who has been hanging out in the American northwest for as long as I can remember. Despite being called a myth by charlatans looking to make a name for themselves, we all know he’s as real as the morning sun. And how do we know this? By his antics in professional wrestling of course.
After all, who could forget when the Six Million Dollar Man ran into Bigfoot and he bore a shocking resemblance to one Andre the Giant?

Or when he learned to wrestle under the guiding light known as “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan? So it makes perfect sense that one day Vince McMahon would come calling and the legend would make his way to the WWF.

And, well…it was more than a little bit underwhelming. Especially when his opponent was…oh man, oh no…you’ve got to be kidding.
Yep, kids, you’ll be begging for the technical mastery of Hillbilly Jim in mere moments.

So the big guy attempts to get into the ring, and the second he does Bigfoot takes off, no doubt to hide in the woods again.

He reappears back in the ring as we get the worst lockup you ever did see. Seriously, how did Elmer get out of that? By bumping his belly into Bigfoot’s? What sense does that even make?

Thankfully for all of us, Elmer uses that same belly to squish Bigfoot into the corner. He then whips him to the far turnbuckle, and ‘foot comes only to be immediately backdropped. A giant legdrop later and our Sasquatch compadre is once again lost, never to be seen again. And while I wish the same could be said for Uncle Elmer, that was not the case…as you will see in my Uncle Elmer Double Dip Induction hitting the site tomorrow night!