Nashville, TN – Ric Flair shocked the sports world this past Sunday by unretiring after his final match at Starrcast.
Despite going out on a high note after teaming with his son-in-law Andrade El Idolo against Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal, Flair has vowed to continue. While some thought the lure of the ring would be the cause, Flair has cited his payoff in Global Force Gold from the event as the real reason.
“They said I was being paid in gold. I don’t know what this ‘Global Force’ stuff is,” complained Flair after the match. “This is worth less than my wedding vows.”
Fans with good memories will remember that Flair’s opponent Jeff Jarrett briefly delved into the world of precious metals in 2016. Dubbing the venture Global Force Gold, Jarrett teamed with a German company to invest in gold bullion. The business plan quickly faded with accusations of being a Ponzi scheme killing any interest from potential wrestling fans.
“Look, this will only appreciate in value as time goes on,” explained Jarrett. “And the more people that get in on this, the more money you make. In five to ten years, we could all be billionaires! By the way, can I interest anyone in a delicious Herbalife smoothie?”
Flair is already scheduled to wrestle at CYN’s upcoming pay-per-view “Bound For Relevancy” in August.