Ric Flair Spends Day Doing Absolutely Nothing

Ric Flair does nothing

Charlotte, NC – Former 16-time world champion Ric Flair did the impossible yesterday as he managed to do absolutely nothing the entire day. From 12:00 AM Sunday to 12:00 AM Monday, Naitch stayed seated in a chair in his home.

Following a number of recent incidents, Flair remained seated in a chair in his home. The Nature Boy did not strut, style, or profile for 24 hours. Local records show that The Man did not ride in any limousines or jet airplanes.

Sources close to Flair confirm that the star did not blade at any point during the day or evening. No bumps were taken or figure four leglocks slapped on. He refrained from making ill-advised endorsements and getting into embarrassing fights caught on camera. Ric Flair, for the first time in his life, simply sat quietly in a chair.

As the clock struck 12:01 AM, Flair rose from his seat, stripped down to his boxers, ran outside and “Wooooo-ed” at the moon like a werewolf. His current whereabouts are unknown.

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