It Came From YouTube: page 3

Eli Drake’s Gravy Train Turkey Trot

Before he became LA Knight (or *shudder* Max Dupri), he was Eli Drake in Impact Wrestling. Eli and Chris Adonis (aka Chris Masters!) interrupt Jeremy Borash’s Turkey Bowl drawing. There’s plenty of food, though, reportedly made by Mr. Gail Kim himself, Robert Irvine, though it’s not exactly clear why. Did they just wander over into catering for the shot?

Does Eli eat some mashed potatoes? Yeah! Does he eat dinner rolls? Yeah! Does he say Yeah? Probably.

We’ll never know now because TNA took the video down right before this went up, but, hey, at least the preview hyping up the Turkey Trot is still on Youtube!

Triple H Cooks Swordfish with Regis

Regis Philbin has been a longtime wrestling fan, often having wrestlers on his shows with, um, mixed results.

For “WWF Cooking Week” on Live with Regis, future COO Paul “Triple H” Levesque stopped by to cook up some swordfish a la Helmsley. That’s one way to advertise Can You Take The Heat. I guess Triple H’s etiquette lessons were still intact after his dinner date with Mantaur, although I don’t think spitting water on a daytime talk show is very proper.

I wonder what Kurt “Engle” cooked.

The Great Kokina Debuts

The WWE Vault on Youtube has been pulling out some great, unseen footage lately. Long-rumored events and footage has resurfaced much to the joy of longtime curious fans. Recently, the dug up Yokozuna’s debut. While that might not sound impressive at first, it’s actually his debut before becoming Yokozuna.

Before he was Yoko, he was The Great Kokina. Joined by Wild Samoan Afa, the two are interviewed by “Mean” Gene Okerlund. As an aside, I miss those live interviews with the wide shot of the crowd behind them. It looks like the place is packed and shows the wrestlers and the company as a big deal.

Although he never wrestled on WWF television as The Great Kokina, it’s super cool to see this rare footage. It’s also incredible to hear Afa introduce him as a “big, big, volcano” and Gene stating “His name can’t be volcano,” as if there wasn’t an Earthquake and a Typhoon on the roster.

If Vince was quick enough, he could have renamed him Volcano, teamed him up with the Natural Disasters, and made the biggest three-man team of all time.

WWE Rock The Caucus

Today is Election Day. WWE doesn’t exactly have the best record when it comes to politics, but that shouldn’t stop you from going out to vote.

Before you let your voice be heard, watch this video featuring none other than Mr. Kennedy belittling young voters for not participating in the Iowa Caucus. He even takes a shot at his own mom! She’s standing right there, Ken!

As an aside, if this came out during the Attitude Era, it would have been called something like “Smack Your Caucus”. Thankfully, times have changed.

Darby Allin Makeup Tutorial

Need a quick wrestling costume for your Halloween party? Why not try this Darby Allin makeup tutorial by Iridian Fierro of Wrestfriends? You don’t even need the official AEW makeup kit. You’ll be Coffin Dropping your friends into the punch bowl in on time. Don’t forget your primer and Neutrogena wipes!

NXT Halloween Royal Rumble

The stars of NXT got together for a Halloween battle royal in what looks to be a warehouse complete with costumes. We got Liv Morgan as a baby, Ruby Riott as Where’s Waldo, and someone in the cheapest Nacho Libre costume ever. Should’ve gone to Amazon. Which one is your favorite?