I think I’ve mentioned it here before, but prior to, I dunno, like two years ago, I had no idea that Kimchee was anything other than a bit player in the WWF in years gone by. I know, I know, I’m a rube. It took Mrs. Deal going crazy over all things Korean (K-pop, k-drama, k-whatever) for me to learn that it’s actually some weird food that has such a pungent odor it makes me run outside when she’s prepping it.
See, this – THIS – is what I think of when I hear “Kimchee”. A guy in a white mask, safari gear, and a good ol’ fashioned pith helmet. He would second Kamala to the ring and be generally a nefarious nogoodnik helping his pal win matches. But once in a while he’d wrestle too. A good 99% of the time he’d wind up flat on his back by the end of it but that’s not the case today as he’s taking on eager youngster Jim Gorman!

Unfortunately for our pasty doughball decked out in the red, white, and blue, Kimchee is on his game, whipping his foe from pillar to post. He then lines him up for a mighty chop that drops him like a tree.

A Greco-Roman stranglehold on the top rope is followed by Kimchee tossing Gorman over the top rope like a pile of garbage. Then Kimchee just kinda walks around the ring. He does that a LOT in this match.

But he also gives this, the wackiest rope straddle you ever did see. It looks like he’s doing honest to goodness aerobics here. It’s somewhat mesmerizing.

Soon enough fun time is over as Kimchee knocks Gorman down again. As if that weren’t bad enough, he has Sean Mooney bagging on him as well, noting, “At last count, Gorman has hit the mat for the 20th time.” Oh and if you want to become king geek amongst your wrestling friends, ask them if THEY know what Kimchee’s finisher is. And when they scoff and say, “Dude, he never won a match” you get to shake your head no and counter with, “Kimchee’s finisher was in fact the world’s worst camel clutch.” Kimchee everyone! KIMCHEE!!!