So rumors are swirling of Shane McMahon poking around and doing something with AEW. Per Tony Khan, there’s no substance to this one but who knows. I don’t see it being a fit at all but it could be good for a laugh or two. Especially if Christian explains to Shane that he really needs a better father figure. Onto the mailbag.
Craig B gets the party started with…”If you wanted to show one clip to a non-fan to forever turn them against wrestling, what clip would you show them?”
Gotta go with Katie Vick. It encapsulated everything wrong with wrestling, especially at that time. And yes I still have the original costume for her and while I am open to offers, I often feel like selling it would be akin to opening Pandora’s Box. Not sure I want that evil to be unleashed upon the planet.
Aaron M wants to know…”What’s your holy grail of missing matches that you would like be able to watch?”
Dude, someone just informed me that there was a match between King Kong Bundy and KAMALA.

Like holy cow, I can only imagine what THAT must have been. I still have flashbacks of that Bundy vs. Jake match where they somehow botched a DDT. How was that even possible? So yeah, let’s go Bundy-Kamala baby!
Rafique T gets a double shot with…”Thoughts on the decline in Dynamite ratings, and why people will definitely overreact? What’s the hardest game you’ve ever beaten?”
I don’t really have an answer as to why they are declining, other than the fact that I am really loving recent shows but I am a 55 year old geezer and I don’t have any clue what younger fans want to see. So while it’s great for me, it’s not so much for others. People will definitely overreact because that’s what the world does, and in the case of the likes of Cornette, Bischoff, and the rest, people pay to hear them overreact so it’s great for them in the short-term. If AEW were to vanish, they’d turn on WWE because that’s how that type of media works.
As for the hardest game I’ve ever beaten…I remember 3-D World Runner being very, VERY hard. I’d tell you again about the story of how I beat Mike Tyson’s Punchout by DECISION, but I think I’m veering close into Al Bundy’s four touchdowns in a single game territory with that story.
Arya W asks…”With all due respect to the men involved, was Carry On My Wayward Son the dumbest “real song” ever used by wrestlers?”
The problem with “Carry On” is that the timing of it is off – it takes too long to get to the hook, and that part of the song is great. And while it’s not a real song, I maintain that Nick Wayne’s current AEW theme may be the worst I’ve ever heard in 40 years of following wrestling. That’s a hill I’m willing to die on.
Brian B (not Blair) goes all hometown proud with…”Are the Indians enough baseball for Indianapolis? Would the area ever support an MLB team?”
Not when the Reds are so close, no. I mean, it’s a little more than an hour for me to get to a Reds game from where I am on the southside of Indy. Also tons of Cubs fans here so I can’t see another team being supported really which is too bad because Victory Field is pretty awesome and right downtown.
Staying here in the Circle City, Derrick G asks…”Thoughts on Indiana Sports Corp finally ponying up to bring major WWE PLEs to the Circle City and will you be planning to attend any of them?”
I could see me going to the Rumble maybe, just because I’ve never been to one of those. Other than that, no, not really. I know I am a total outlier, but again, WWE is just not my jam these days.
Robert R wants to know…”What’s your favorite summer activity?”
Amusement parks and pretty much nothing else. I am like an old slab of meat and I don’t keep well in ridiculous heat. I’ll suffer for rollercoasters, but that’s about it.
Meagan N sticks with that theme via…”Disneyland or Disney world?”
Both have their pros and cons, but over the years, I’ve really come to love Disneyland in California. It’s great because you can literally walk between the two parks, making it almost one giant park. Pirates of the Caribbean is so much better there I almost can’t ride the one in Florida anymore (and yes, I know the backstory there). Haunted Mansion there gets the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay. Radiator Springs Racers is great and amazingly themed. Don’t get me wrong – I love both Disneyland and Disney World (although I prefer Universal’s Florida offerings over either these days), but I’d give the slight edge to Disneyland.
That’ll do it for this week – keep those questions coming in and we’ll chat more in seven!