WARNING: Although all questionable images on this page have been censored, this induction may offend some viewers. If you are easily offended by sexual material, I suggest you click the back button now.
With the all the questionable material floating around on this week’s Valentine’s Day update, I figured what a better time to honor the first ever “Porn Star Of The Week.” Wrestlecrappers may recognize them as the Wildman, a living legend in the adult entertainment business, Randy West. So sit back for a rare chat with a true icon about girls, Valentine’s Day, and if he’ll ever don the Wildman eyepatch again.
BB: First of all Randy, I want to thank you for taking time out to chat with us. First off, I gotta ask the token question..how did you get started in the adult entertainment business?
RW: I did a magazine layout for High Society Magazine. The editor, a woman, asked if I wanted to try porn. Thought I’d try one just for the hell of it. Turns out I was good so they kept calling me back. Next thing you know it’s 26 years later and I’m a legend in my own pants!!!!!!
BB: That’s a long time. Hundreds of movies made and lots of awards won I’m sure.
RW: I’ve done about 1200 movies, inluding 133 of my Up and Cummers and Raw Sex reality series. I won 4 fan favorite awrards, Up and Cummers has won 9 Best Reality Series or individual video awards. Body doubled for Redford in Indecent Proposal with Ashlyn Gear doubling for Demi Moore. Had some fun in Vegas and Woody Harrelson was a good dude.
BB: Now, a lot of the Wrestlecrap readers know you from the classic wrestling parody, Young and the Wrestling. Both you and Randy’s respective roles as the Wildman and Hunk Golden, are so over the top and dead on, they are as entertaining, and perhaps even more convincing than some of the real wrestlers on the WWE’s current roster. Did you guys do any research for the movie? Had you followed the sport at all? You guys seemed like real pros.

RW: Of course I watched wrestling as a kid and later on during the Hulk Hogan days. I think Andre the Giant and Haystacks Calhoun were my favorite big guys as a kid and Sailor Art Thomas was my favorite muscle guy. If you can act at all and watch the wrestlers for a few years its pretty easy to play them. And it’s fun to play them. You get to yap like them without the pain!!!!
BB: The parody fun didn’t stop there. When people think of legendary science fiction starship captains, people always debate who’s better: Star Trek’s Captain Kirk or Captain Picard. Not me, I know who’s king: Randy Spears as Sex Trek’s Captain Jim Quirk. In your guy’s classic trilogy, what was it like to become Dr.Sperm and boldly go where no man…well, maybe a few men…have gone before?

RW: Sex Trek was a classic and I wish I had more to do with it. I know I had one classic ad lib line with either Spears or Joey Silvera but I can’t remember it right now.
BB: You later attempted to conquer the horror side of porn. First was the Tales From The Crypt parody, “Tales Of The Uncensored” in which you woke up with an extra dick growing out of your forehead. Assuming in real life you had two dicks, and could bang twice the chicks you normally do, what would your running total be?
RW: If I had an extra dick on my forehead in real life I would specialize in 3-ways and make a fortune. I’ve done about 2300 women so far so I guess you could almost double that total with 2 dicks. Maybe I’d specialize in doing sisters!!!!!!!
BB: As scary as the extra dick was, it was nowhere near the horrors you and Spears encountered in one of my favorites, Wet Dream On Elm Street. Using her demonic panties to seduce him..

…one of your buddies falls under the spell of a voodoo worshiper (Alicia Monet), and it’s up to you guys to save him. In the movie, she tries to do you in by shooting lasers bolts from her eyes at you. Luckily for you and Spears, you guys avoid the lasers and later save the day.

Now that’s some pretty bizarre stuff. What’s one of the most bizarre things you ever encountered in your days as a performer?
RW: I got asked to do a sex scene in a vat of spaghetti and marinara sauce. I passed on it and they gave it to Ron Jeremy who not only had sex, but I believe he finished off the spaghetti!!! Also back in the old days when porn was illegal to make, we got busted on a shoot but the cops asked me and the girl I was with for autographs. Go figure.
BB: You and Spears have appeared in countless films together over the years. How long have you guys known each other? Any funny stories?
RW: Guess I’ve know Spears since the mid to late 80’s. We always had a great time on the set cause we both had a good sense of humor and we were both pros as performers. I think we did more laughing on The Young and The Wrestling than anything else we did. I mean how often do you get to say I’m going to tear your head off and spit down your neck?

BB: What are your current projects?
RW: I’m just about retired now. Making some real good best of vids however. Of course my most famous productions were with Jenna Jameson. I basically got her started in the biz and shot her in Up and Cummers 10+11 and I Love Lesbians # 1. It was her only reality video work and she did her only internal cum shot(cream pie) in # 11 and did her first time getting it with a strap on dildo in I Love Lesbians. And she had her real boobs, which were awesome. She was an incredible girl and looked like she was about 16 when we shot the vids, although she was definitely legal age. Also did the current hot item in the biz when she first started, Tera Patrick, in Up and Cummers 73+80 and did her only internal cum shot in # 73. Another incredibly hot girl. I am definitely a lucky bastard. Also have Jenna in my best of series Please Cum Inside Me and My Favorite Young, Hot and Horny Girls and Tera is also in Please Cum Inside Me series and also my Real Female Masturbation series. All my stuff is reality, no fake stuff or acting. I just love seeing girls being real. I think it helped inspire the Girls Gone Wild vids. Hey there’s a title if I ever unretire ” Girls Gone Wildman.”
BB: Mercy daddy!! Speaking of the Wildman character, it was definitely ahead of it’s time. Since then, the WWE has introduced a “wrestling pornstar,” Val Venis. Now that the Wildman has became something of a cult figure here at Wrestlecrap, any chances of seeing the eyepatched one make a comeback film to show the whole world who the true stud of the wrestling ring is?
RW: I’m glad The Young And The Wrestling was ahead of it’s time and if someone wanted to make a third one I might comeback. I’m 57 but my dick is still 25!!!
BB: One last thing before we go, and you are probably one of the most qualified to answer. Any Valentine’s Day love advice for the Wrestlecrap readers out there?
RW: I’m not a big holiday guy so I just give my girls little presents all year long when I feel it in my heart. Don’t need someone else to tell me when to give a girl a present.
BB: Good advice, when Mr. West speaks, people should listen. Real quick, where can people find you online?
RW: The fans can get all my dvd’s and get some bio and free pics and e-mail me through my website www.randywest.com . I try to answer as many e-mails myself as I can. For now say hey to all the fans and ROCK ON!!!!!!
BB: Thanks for your time Randy, you’re a true legend!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!