The WWF has had many horrifically bad announcers in its day, and Charlie Minn would be one of them. He was basically a backstage interviewer (ala Michael Hayes/Doc Hendrix), and never (according to our records) did play by play or color commentating. Thank God.
In addition to being a WWF Commentator, Minn also carries the distinction of being one of the myriad of WWF Superfans (see Jameson and several others). He would stand backstage and scream, “YES! There’s Lex Luger! He coming toward me! ”

Yes, in case you hadn’t guessed, he was always way too excited. He’d scream everything. He was, after all, supposedly a mark, and as we all know, all marks get excited when they see ANY wrestler.
The best thing one can say about Minn’s tenure in the WWF is that it was brief. In fact, to the best of my recollection, he was only around for a couple of months. I’d guess Vince just saw him as yet another horrible flop and killed him quick.