Sting Finally Watches ‘The Crow’

Sting The Crow AEW retirement

Venice Beach, CA – Now that he has retired from pro wrestling, Sting finally sat down and watched the 1994 classic, The Crow. Following the announcement that there will be a remake starring Bill Skarsgård, Sting felt now was the time to see why people kept calling him Crow Sting all those years in WCW.

Sitting in his favorite chair with a large bowl of lightly salted popcorn, the Icon propped his feet up and, after several software updates, turned on Paramount+.

For the next hour and forty-two minutes, the AEW World Tag Team champion watched intently as Eric Draven rose from the grave and avenged the crimes committed against him and his love. The former WCW champion bopped his head to the gothic industrial soundtrack, enraptured by the dark and grungy anti-hero film.

Stinger pumped his fist as Draven methodically dispatched the the villainous Top Dollar’s gang. He nodded knowingly as a crow helped protect and guide the hero. Popcorn spilled to the floor when the wrestler jumped up during The Crow’s babyface comeback at the end.

“Wow, that’s was something,” sighed Sting as the credits rolled. “I finally get it. Now to watch these Batman and Joker movies everyone’s been talking about.”

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