I’m laying down the gauntlet to each and every one of you reading this today – let’s see who knows more about the World Wrestling Federation from thirty-five years ago! Well, close to thirty-five. I mean, who’s counting right? Unless it’s you, in which case I am already down 0-1. Ripped directly FROM THE PAGES OF the Official WWF Magazine in April of 1990, let’s dive right in!

But first the rules – one point for a correct answer on the first question, two for the second, three for the third. Ten total questions so the best you could get is 30 points. And apparently it’s rewarding loyal readers as all the answers were in back issues of the magazine. Ah “Back issues”…

…except from my chiropractor. *Insert drum fill here*

We kick things off with NAMES. Looking at this, I know 1 is The Colonel and 3 is the chicken wing. For 2 I am guessing is Mean Gene but could also be many other things if what rumors over the years are true. Eh, I’ll stick with Mean. RD’S POINT TOTAL: A quick check of the answers says I got 1 & 2 correct, but according to this apparently the Rooster called his finisher and with the Good Lord Above as my witness and I am not making this up, “The Rooster Wing Arm Lock”. I think my answer is close enough and I am sure they never, EVER called it the ROOSTER WING on television. So far, so good, I have six points. You keep your own tally!

PLACES are what we’re attacking next and arguably the first one is, at least to me, the toughest. Glad it’s only for one measly point! No idea where the 1989 Rumble was held, so I will just throw a dart at Tampa. Bravo was from Montreal originally, but eventually wound up being arguably the most boring wrestler I ever had to witness so if you guess the lower depths oh Hades I’ll give you two points for that on my own. Shawn of course was from San Antonio. RD’S POINT TOTAL: Dangit, it was Orlando. That was my gut instinct, should have went with it! Regardless, that’s 5 more for me for a total of 11 out of 12. Not too bad!

NOT SO FOREIGN OBJECTS is next and I literally have zero idea what that could even mean. Oh wait, they have a trivia section for their MERCH? Bravo guys, well played! Warrior gimmicks were so common I can’t believe they didn’t have all of those, but going out on a limb with sweatsuit. Would have to think the first standup would have been either Warrior or Hogan and since we JUST had a Warrior question, I’ll go Hogan. Technos (or American Technos if you want to get super precise) made my beloved WWF Superstars arcade machine. RD’S POINT TOTAL: Boom, got them all. 17 out of 18. Hope you’re keeping up!

PIPING HOT serves up some Roddy Piper tidbits. Ah “Boobsy.” While I could make a dozen jokes about Elvira or Samantha Fox here, he’d always call Bobby Heenan that. I never heard Piper call anyone the “Sardine Guys”, but thinking that would be the Bushwackers. And Piper was in a feud with Rick Rude at that time so gotta be him. RD’S POINT TOTAL: Check check check, another six points for me, 23 for 24. I AM ON A ROLL. Why can’t my brain store more important information than this? Like, I dunno, ANYTHING? Half the time I can’t remember the front door combination, I guess due to the fact that my brain is so jammed full of RODDY PIPER TRIVIA.

ODDS & ENDS is your last chance to catch up. Or maybe my last chance to catch up, I don’t know what your score is. Whatever, here we go. I’m going to start with the toughest first and I want to say that was his brother (who they never acknowledged as his brother!) The Genius, Lanny Poffo. The Body I think would have talked Minnesota Vikings games. And the Rooster said “Just Say Rooster Wing Arm Lock”. Wait, that’s too many words. So it has to be “Just Say No To Drugs” because they planted that on everyone, even guys who were coked and gassed out to the gills. RD’S POINT TOTAL: Wait, WHAT? You’re telling me the only one I got right there was the Drugs one? Apparently Jesse did Tampa Bay games and Mr. Perfect gave Macho his cape. Wellllllll….CRAP. So I fumbled at the goal line with 24 out of 30. So I do NOT have the Federation all figured out, I only did some “nice work”. The real question…did I beat YOU? Let me know below.