Sid Vicious Clobbers Another Geek for Our Enjoyment!

Yeah yeah, I know he’s been on here countless times already but I don’t care – time for another SQUASH of the Week featuring the great SID VICIOUS!

This here encounter would have taken place during that magical period in early 90’s WCW when he was accompanied to the ring by Col. Rob Parker, one of the most underrated managers ever. I mean, not only did he have that fantastic southern draaawwwwwl, but he also hired a one-eyed midget to blow up Sid’s enemies with an honest to goodness BOMB. Tell me YOU don’t want a manager like that!

Sid’s opponent would be one Jay Sledge. Despite having a pretty good wrestling name he’s obviously so shook by what’s about to happen he can’t even look at the hard cam. And here you guys mock the WWE performance center!

Sid though comes out like a monster on a mission. No wonder this guy got a zillion chances in this business – just look at him. If that ain’t a pro wrestler, I don’t know what is.

And right then, Sledge knows what a heapin’ helpin’ of trouble he’s in. Just look at him – he’s literally scratching his head!

Sid backs him into the corner and gives him a BRUUUUUTAL chokeslam. Before you say, “that was way too close to the ropes, you should do that in the center of the ring, where’d he learn to work?” ask yourself this – you got the cajones to tell the big guy all that? I didn’t think so.

After this it’s all over about the shouting. Which Sid does before planting the guy six feet under with one of the best powerbombs I ever done seen. It looked totally out of control, and that was one of the things that made Sid so appealing – you never really knew if he had any clue what he was doing. ALL HAIL SID!

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