John Cena Burger & Taco Restaurant

There’s a restaurant in Mexico called John Cena Burger & Taco (!).


You mean it’s in Mexico and it isn’t called “Juan Cena Burger & Taco”?

John Cena Juan Cena


Anyway, the article says…

The restaurant is called John Cena Burger & Taco, and it serves, well, burgers, tacos, quesadillas, and just about anything you could possibly want. Better yet, each and every meal that’s served in the restaurant is named after a wrestler, so you can order one by saying, “Give me The Undertaker” or “I’ll have a Randy Orton.”

John Cena Burger And Taco Official 1

They have a FourSquare page.

Here’s two pictures of the menu:

John Cena Burger And Taco Official 2 John Cena Burger and Taco 2

What, no Gobbledy Gooker turkey taco?! I cry fowel over that!

Uh, yeah, these guys who own this restaurant are so going to get sued for this, but I have to give them credit for having the balls to pull this off.

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