Gooker Award 2022 – Time to Vote!

Can’t believe it…another year is in the books, and it’s time once more to determine the very worst of the very worst in pro wrestling! Yes kids, GOOKER TIME!

We always try to focus on the kayfabe world of wrestling when it comes to our old pal Gooky. Therefore, you’re not going to see things like media scrums or sex scandals on our list. No, we want to focus on what we presented on screen for your presumed enjoyment. And let me tell you, there was a whole lotta crap! From guys with boxes on their heads to 20-on-1 matches to barbed wire everywhere to Dexter Lumis and the Miz to a dude getting stabbed to male models to a woman with four turns in less than 90 days to one of the lamest Royal Rumble shows in history. And who the heck asked for not one, but TWO matches with honest to goodness septuagenarians?! I can tell you, it wasn’t us!

Usually I have a pretty good idea what is going to take the award going in, but this year, I honestly have zero clue. So it’s up to you, kids! Get that vote in and join us later this month when we post the Gooker award winning induction!

Visit the Gooker Award page to revisit the past winners.

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